What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. At its core, CSA’s are a beautiful way to connect the farmer directly with their community. The difference from a farmers market is that in a CSA you buy “shares” of a farm’s harvest in advance and receive a portion of the crops, one box a week, as they are being harvested. The farmer and the consumer share in both the risk and the bounty of the harvest!
We love CSA’s because we see food as one of the starting points of human relationship building. We want people who eat the food that we grow to feel like they are part of our community and in this way you literally will be. When you buy our CSA, we feel your love and trust in the project that we are trying to accomplish and hopefully those feelings will be reciprocated in the food that we grow.
CSA’s will also teach you how to eat seasonally and expand your diet! One of our favorite parts of the CSA is providing and receiving recipes for and from all of our members.
What’s in the CSA Box?
Each week you will receive a box of vegetables at a designated pick up location in the Seattle area. Each box will contain 6-10 different types of vegetables depending on size of the box and time of the year. In May and June your box will be filled with sweet lettuces, snap peas, nanohana, early carrots and beets, turnips, leafy greens and hardy kale! By August our farm will hopefully be lush with nightshades like tomatos, eggplants, peppers, potatoes etc., in addition to beans, zucchini, green onions, broccoli, and crisp Japanese cucumbers. September and October bring in the cabbages, cauliflowers, sweet carrots, onions, potatoes, winter squash, apples, and more!
Box Customization: We are firm believers that it is important to eat a wide variety of veggies for better gut health! Although we encourage everyone to try new vegetables as they come in the box, we also understand that there may be veggies on occasion that you don’t like or can’t eat, so we offer the option to customize your weekly box before we harvest!
What do I get?
A weekly box of organic vegetables delivered to a neighborhood near you!
A weekly newsletter with information about your vegetables, recipes, cooking tips and what’s happening on the farm!
Invitation to CSA member events and first to know about farm pops ups
The ability to customize items in your weekly box and add additional items
The opportunity to support local young farmers who are working toward a more sustainable food system by using no till practices, incorporating native and perennial plants into our farm, cover cropping, composting, and more!
CSA Options
The 2025 CSA season will run from June-mid October. Start dates may vary depending on spring weather and how quickly things grow, but the current plan for the season is June 5th-October 23rd, with one week off the week of August 22nd.
Summer CSA Small- $750, 20 weeks
Summer Small boxes are best for 1-2 person households and will include 6-8 items. Because these span over the longest period of time, you will get to see the progression of summer veggies throughout your box! Boxes will reflect what is currently in season. You’ll see more greens, peas, and root veggies to start, then with summer, we will transition to beans, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, herbs, summer squash, eggplant, onions, potatoes, corn, and finally fall staples, such as winter squash, storage alliums, cabbage, leeks, radicchio, etc. Occasionally we include fruit from other local farm friends as well!
Summer CSA Large $950, 20 weeks
Summer Large boxes are best for 3-4 person households, or the ambitious 1-2 person veggie eating households. These will usually include 8-10 items. Contents will be similar to that of the Small, with occasional additional items and larger bundles of each item!
Fall CSA- $150, 4 weeks
Fall shares will run from November 6th-November 27th.They will include veggies like kale, collards, bok choy, radicchio, leeks, cabbage and storage veggies, such as winter squash, carrots, beets, daikon, parsnips, potatoes and onions. Some boxes will have fewer items, but larger quantities of storage veggies, so you can keep things into December.
Box Customization: Each week, we will release what will be in your CSA for the following week. You will have the chance to login to our online veggie store and swap out items for other veggies we have available on the farm. You will also have the opportunity to add extra vegetables or occasionally other products (bread, flowers, etc) if you are planning a big gathering and would like more in your box, or wish to add more of a particular item and don’t want to make a trip to the store to get it!
Add on:
Biweekly Flower Share by Imoto Flowers (8 weeks, $20/week)
Michiko is starting her own flower business on the farm! She will be growing and curating a variety of whimsical, bright, balanced bouquets delivered to your pick up site every other week starting in June . Colors and varieties will change week to week depending on what is fresh. Toward the end of the season, arrangements will shift to more dried flowers that you can keep into the winter.
Half-pound Biweekly Mushrooms Share $7/week
We have partnered with the awesome folks over at SnoValley Mushrooms in Duvall and Cascadia Mushrooms in Bellingham to include a biweekly assortment of mushrooms to accompany your veggies. Mushrooms will alternate between shiitakes, blue oyster, lion’s mane, or the occasional special variety when we get the opportunity to mix it up!
What about Food Access?
How did we decide our prices?
For the first two years of our farming, we were able to subsist on our homegrown veggies and winter off-farm jobs. In order for our farming to remain sustainable for us we realized that it is important to us to try to make a living with our CSA. The price reflects what we need in order to pay ourselves $13 an hour while still covering expenses and improving our soil.
This year in our attempts to move closer to a sliding scale model like other farms that we really admire (Soul Fire Farm, Kamayan, Rising Sign, etc) we are offering reduced priced CSA’s for those who are interested but can’t afford the current price. If the current CSA price is a barrier to you signing up, please reach out to us at lizzyandkojifarm@gmail.com and we will work with you to find an option that feels affordable for you!
Sliding Scale models work well with CSA’s because there is a shared understanding that we are all a community that supports each another. If you are at a point financially where you can pay more please do so as this is the only way a sliding scale works! When you sign up you will have an option to purchase a quarter, half or full share donation that will all go towards a fellow community member or you can email us directly at lizzyandkojifarm@gmail.com! Ariana of Kamayan Farm says it well, that purchasing these shares “mirror the resilience of the land; it demonstrates that an ecosystem can balance itself when all the organisms support each other.”
Pick Up Locations
Capitol Hill
Beacon Hill
At the Farm in Sedro-Woolley!
We are also happy to accommodate other neighborhoods if there are enough members so please don’t hesitate to reach out.