broccoli RAAb

Also known as Gailan, rapini, or Nanohana, this is a strange cross between a turnip and a broccoli in some ways. Raw, these can get a little spice, however some are on the sweeter side. The Japanese really like Raab in soups because they make a really good natural dashi (broth). We have been adding them to soups, stir frys, creamy and tomato based pasta, and so much more.



Keep in the fridge and use within the week. Best if used in the first couple days to get the sweetest flavor! Can chop and freeze if you want to save it for later to put in soups and stir fries.

Our Recipes

Koji’s Mom will bring the raab to a boil, add the stems in first and cook for one minute seconds and the leaves and florets for thirty seconds. Save the boiling liquid and let it cool down. When the Raab and cooking water is cooled down, used the broth and soy sauce to make a little sauce and pour on top of the blanched Raab.



